
Archive for the ‘new technology’ Category

Call phones from Gmail

August 26, 2010 3 comments


What if telephony were invented today? – technically, its very hard to tell. The invention of telephone says that the modern telephone is actually a culmination of work done by many individuals. Human kind started to communicate long ago during stone ages. Several inventions have been made since then. In the 1870’s Alexander Graham Bell was the first to patent the telephone, as an "apparatus for transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphically", and then, the history of telephone started. And coming down to this era of internet, human kind has taken a new leap in vocal communication.

As Google has presented another model for low rate cheap voice communication, they now presents voice communication directly in to the mail box.

Call phones from Gmail

Does this embrace a new challenge to human race. Beware, technology is coming to life, and soon we won’t need to *see* each other at all.

Sync it up …

June 27, 2010 1 comment

The advent of internet has made it all possible.

Microsoft may have been giants of software but somewhere down the isle, there are a few big names who are projecting a new paradigm of software, which is “Service”. Google, are the very first in this list who presented whole lot of services, you may call it Google Docs, spreadsheets, earth or maps, wave and voice, the Android and yes, above all, Chrome OS. It’s all good, better to say, great. However, the question is, where will all the existing stuff will go? How General People are going to adopt this in an instant? Are you ready to give it all up and start using this new paradigm overnight?

Perhaps those are a few reasons for me not being able to switch to Google wave yet. I mean why would I need to have a Google account in order to be able to see any wave anyone has just sent me? or, should I expect everyone to have a Google account with whom I communicate? That’s one point that perhaps no one would consider if communications were invented today.

On the other hand, the Google Docs has made a fine job there. Irrespective of browser or the platform you are using, you can still use the Google Docs. As far as I can see, I think they have written some application to run on the browser, didn’t they? if it is, then I guess it might take a very long time to make any web app as rich and interactive as desktop is now. Instead why not we develop some engine that could ship the very desktop apps to the web. If Google or any other are able to do that, they would no longer need to write an operating system for the browser, they can easily ship the whole Windows to the web.

As far as Microsoft is concerned, I’ve just had an experience to use Windows Live Essentials Beta, and I believe that with the 25 GB SkyDrive and online Microsoft Office Suite Web Apps together with Windows live sync beta,  Windows live mail beta, movie maker and writer, has taken a huge leap ahead here. The point is, this all is basically the same software that I use on my desktop and now I’m using it on the internet. The same experience and the same usability. Just got synced up!

Windows Live Movie Maker
Windows Live Mail Beta

Windows Live Messenger Beta

Facebook Bugs !

October 11, 2009 Leave a comment
We live in a world of internet. A life that is lived on clouds. Clouds are everywhere. No matter you is a PC or a MAC. No wonder you use internet from home or from office or maybe you are one of those approximately 13% of the world’s population who are reachable 24/7.
We being so much indulged with internet that this world has now become a global village. And off course a part of global social community. And whenever it comes to communicate socially over this cloud, several names pop up into our minds. Such as… Hi5, My Space, Orkut … and more interestingly… Facebook!
As a matter of fact, Facebook has now become one of the most highly addictive and interactive social community web sites, where people communicate, collaborate and interact to the people who share common interest. With over 300 million active users, facebook stands the “The fastest growing demographic is those 35 years old and older”.
However, as a matter of fact, good and bad are two sides of a same coin. And hence, facebook does have a couple of bugs that annoy every user of its. If not every user is annoyed, then I must say most of them certainly are. Facebook is also blessed with lots of bugs and breaches that users would like to fix. Facebook itself knows the importance of it and they keep an eye on it via bug tracking system for facebook developers and also public groups for users to suggest bugs that annoy each time. 
Ever since I read an article from Andrew Mager about the 5 most annoying facebook bugs I was wondering if facebook would start providing an “official feedback” link at the bottom of every home page. Instead, facebook seems quite satisfied with the user interface and features they provide irrespective of audience opinion.

Let’s start by discussing some of the facebook bugs.
First and the foremost… facebook seems to have lost the original idea behind it. Whenever I log on, and I see my home page with lots and lots of shared videos. What is it? A video sharing portal? Then why is you tube there?
Moreover, when I log in, the first thing I am supposed to see is my Wall for posts of what people have written in and what is being happening around. However, unfortunately wall is on your profile page not on your home page. So if you are not visiting your own profile, there are obvious chances you can miss some of important messages.
Every profile on facebook has an average of 130 friends. Therefore, it comes to manage them through Friends lists. This is a great feature of facebook. You can easily categorize your friends in your friend list and easily add or modify permissions or access and view control to various links of your profile. However, this management doesn’t seem that much easy and handy. There are times when you have added thousands of friends just to get a handsome amount for any specific game or so (remember, you cannot add friends more than 5001 :)). You would then require deleting them as well. For that you may want to delete the whole list, or maybe a few from that list. But unfortunately when you come to any specific list, there is no “remove” button next to every friend in that list. The remove button is only available if you see “All connections” or “Friends” list. Since “All connections” shows every of your friend than how can you supposed to delete the list at once. Or multiple at a single click?
And one more thing, you can never see list of people who are actually your friends. Because whenever you visit your friend list, it will show all your friends plus the pending friend requests. Therefore you will always get trouble accessing your friend list.
Furthermore, the worst bug so far is with the messaging feature. If you have mistakenly sent a message to a group of people then there is no way you can remove any specific people from that thread or simply stop the thread. This is absolutely terrible! And certainly, there is no BCC feature available in facebook inbox.
Facebook is an outstanding web app, though. There are always bugs in any software application. But as far as I know, bugs are fixable. So have your say and comment on if you have also come across any Facebook Bug!!!

Spec# Programming System

February 6, 2008 Leave a comment


The Spec# programming system is a new attempt at a more cost effective way to develop and maintain high-quality software. Spec# is pronounced “Spec sharp” and can be written (and searched for) as the “specsharp” or “Spec# programming system”. The Spec# system consists of:

The Spec# programming language:

Spec# is an extension of the object-oriented language C#. It extends the type system to include non-null types and checked exceptions. It provides method contracts in the form of pre- and postconditions as well as object invariants.
The Spec# compiler. Integrated into the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment for the .NET platform, the compiler statically enforces non-null types, emits run-time checks for method contracts and invariants, and records the contracts as metadata for consumption by downstream tools.
The Spec# static program verifier. This component (codenamed Boogie) generates logical verification conditions from a Spec# program. Internally, it uses an automatic theorem prover that analyzes the verification conditions to prove the correctness of the program or find errors in it.
A unique feature of the Spec# programming system is its guarantee of maintaining invariants in object-oriented programs in the presence of callbacks, threads, and inter-object relationships.

The Spec# programming system is being developed as a research project at Microsoft Research in Redmond, primarily by the Programming Languages and Methods group.

Microsoft Cloud OS

Perhaps this is “The next big thing” from Microsoft.

Microsoft plans at creating core infrastructure services like storage and alerts which developers can build on top of. This set of capabilities are being referred to as the Cloud OS, though it’s not a term Microsoft likes to use publicly. But this was hinted at by Brian Hall, Ballmer and Ozzie at the Worldwide partner conference in Denver.

Microsoft has publicly announced that it too, has a cloud-like structure in mind.

This looks like the next big thing that Microsoft is working on, with Ballmer stating “”We are in the process today of building out a services platform in the cloud.”

Ballmer said that later this year Microsoft will deliver the first version of a set of developer tools to build on top of Microsoft’s Windows Live effort and noted that the tools will be based on .Net.

This looks like Microsoft is opening up more of their services and with the Web 2.0 trend of web services, looks like Microsoft wants to continue their presence on the web the way they have been ruling the desktop world.

Microsoft also previously introduced two new Windows Live Services, one for sharing photos and the other for all types of files. While those services are being offered directly by Microsoft today, they represent the kinds of things that Microsoft is now promising will be also made available to developers.

Among the other application and infrastructure components, Microsoft plans to open are its systems for alerts, contact management, communications (mail and messenger) and authentication.


Microsoft Silverlight

this is my first post, and i m going to write about a new revolution – Microsoft Silverlight.

Microsoft® Silverlight™ is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web. Silverlight offers a flexible programming model that supports AJAX, VB, C#, Python, and Ruby, and integrates with existing Web applications. Silverlight supports fast, cost-effective delivery of high-quality video to all major browsers running on the Mac OS or Windows.